Ep.42 Reinvestigating identity - with Carrie Klewin Lawrence

Show notes

Carrie Klewin Lawrence (she/her) is a quirky, collaborative stage director focused on social change. Carrie is also an acting professor, personal branding coach, storytelling expert, and mother of three, who enjoys traveling, photography, and dancing Lindy Hop. As the author of Origin Story, Carrie weaves personal discovery storytelling into a journey of forward action and evolution, encouraging readers to control their(self) narrative. Once, when she was ten years old, Carrie wrote a play called “Little Red Riding Hood Says NO to Smoking”. Rediscovering that play, and subsequently reframing her own personal narrative, was the inciting incident for writing Origin Story.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How Carrie rediscovered her passion, which was at all times within her
  • Carrie is speaking on how she helps reframe narratives
  • The idea of her book Origin Story
  • Carrie is speaking about storytelling and the power of the inciting incident of our stories


"I realized in that moment of holding that play in my hands that I have been the same person for at least 40 years and that all of my struggles with whether or not I was actually an artist or whether this was the right journey for me, the right career path, all of those puzzle pieces fell into place and I felt this overwhelming sense of satisfaction and confidence and security and having this piece of evidence that had resurfaced in my hands."

"Looking at our life and our, our journey to see, you know, what maybe sparked us where inspirations came from and, and how can we can reconnect with, with some of those ideas and activities to, to do something exciting in the future."

"I lost my way and what I call, you know, detours. Which are the obstacles in any great story, those challenges that we have to overcome, right. There's, there's no great character without an antagonist, right? There's no main character within a, without an antagonist. And, and one of mine was listening to society saying theater wasn't a real job."

Connect with Carrie:

The book Origin Story




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